Torchbearers for Christ
Tuesday, March 11, 2025
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Help is on the Way

Praise the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ. I am confident that it is well with you. My wife and I are well and bless the Lord for His favor that has surrounded us. We would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very blessed New Year 2014. May God showcase His faithfulness in every area of your life and may He continue to perfect everything that concerns you in Jesus mighty name, Amen.

God has placed in my heart to tell you that this Month HELP IS ON THE WAY!!!

The Bible says in Luke 7: 12 - 14,

As he approached the town gate, a dead person was being carried out—the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. And a large crowd from the town was with her. When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said, “Don’t cry.” Then he went up and touched the bier they were carrying him on, and the bearers stood still. He said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!”  


The widow of Nain had lost her husband. Now, her only child too was dead. Affliction had arisen a second time. However, Jesus, who is the situation-changer, refused to let this be her portion. He did not allow affliction to arise a second time in her life.

Let us look at four lessons from this incident.
Her Name – A Widow of Nain

The Bible does not record whether this woman’s name was Abigail or Hannah or Sarah or Elizabeth; she is only known by her misfortune – A Widow of Nain. Friend, people may have labeled you one name or another; they may even whisper some names you are not aware of. As a matter of fact, you may even be agreeing with some of those labels (the barren one, the dying one, the angry one, the broke one etc). Friend, I cancel every tag or label you or your family has received that is not in line with the will and the purposes of God for your life in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Jabez rejected the wrong tag, Jacob rejected the name Benoni from being given to Benjamin. Today, receive the anointing that will cancel and nullify every curse, be it in a name or otherwise that has been released over your life in Jesus mighty name, Amen.


One minute she was carrying a casket to the cemetery; the next minute she was celebrating a glorious miracle of resurrection. I am praying for a miracle that will shock cities, even nations because of what God will do in your life. You will be celebrated because of the miraculous in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

Jesus Appears – Help Appears!

In Ecclesiastes 3:4, the Bible states that there is “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.” Friend, when Jesus comes your way, every mourning and weeping has to stop because He is the Life Giver, The Life itself, Our Joy and the Lifter of our heads. I do not know what the enemy has stolen from you that has caused you to weep and mourn. Today, I announce to you that help is coming your way.


Situations arise that make us need help (What are you in need of?)


You may be in need of financial help; I have news for you, Jesus is coming your way. There was a woman whose husband had died and left debt that was too much for her to pay. The prophet came her way and gave an uncommon instruction. She obeyed and her debt situation was resolved. I pray that the same God will divinely intervene in any financial situation that is in your way in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


There was a woman with an issue of blood for twelve years. She had visited many physicians and spent a lot of money but to no avail then she encountered Jesus and the bleeding stopped. I declare to you, help is coming your way that will change your health situation for the better in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


A ruler, by the name of Jairus, cried to Jesus to help his dying daughter and Jesus spoke healing and the child was healed. I declare to you, your children will receive the touch of the Almighty God in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen. Indeed, help is on the way for all our children, they will love God, they will maintain good company and they will fulfill their God-ordained destiny in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Friend, you may have had dreams that seem to have died, plans that may have remained stagnant for a long time and seem impossible to resuscitate. Like this Widow, you may be carrying your dreams to the grave BUT I have news for you! Help is on the way and God is saying, a new breath of life is being injected into that dream in Jesus mighty name, Amen. I do not know who has given up on you; perhaps your bank manager; your family; your friends or it could be the best of doctors. God says that which they say is impossible, I will make possible for I own the cattle on a thousand hills; I am the Situation Changer; The Balm of Gilead, The Heavenly Physician, Is there anything too hard for Me. Friend, He is still in the business of making possible that which seems impossible. Hallelujah.

Why I know Help is on The Way
I am confident that help is on the way because:-

a)    Jesus saw her


We serve a God who sees! When the children of Israel were being oppressed, the Bible declares God said in Ex 3:7 – He saw and heard their cries! In Luke 7:13, Jesus saw her. Our God sees your heartaches; your loneliness; your pain; the discrimination…God sees and He knows your situation. I am confident that Help is on the way!!!


b)    Jesus has the Power to Change


It is one thing to see a situation and it is another thing to be able to change the situation. Our God has the power to change situations. There is no situation that He cannot change. He will change your situation in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

C) Jesus has a compassionate heart

One may see your situation, and have the power to change it but without a compassion heart, there will be no attempt to change the situation. Our God has a compassionate heart and will never leave us in our sorrow. Jesus Cares; He is moved by our needs; Jesus even wept for Lazarus…He will not leave you to be destroyed by the enemy..Jesus Cares and that is why I am confident that Help is on the way for you in Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.


Do not expect the help to be packaged in the traditional packages…Jesus will surprise you. He can use the fish to bring you money; He may decide to multiply loaves of bread; one queen may be banished and another enthroned i.e. You may just receive an uncommon promotion…get ready, get ready because Help is on the way!!!


Have a Merry Christmas and a very blessed 2014 and remember… Help is on the Way!!!!

Pastor Chester